Адрес: 443052, г. Самара, ул.Земеца, 33
Телефон: +7(846)202-08-58 многоканальный

О компании

База спецодежды «Мекликом»

Наша организация была образована в 1994 г. и является энергичной и динамично развивающейся компанией в г. Самаре. За все время существования мы зарекомендовали себя, как надежные производители и поставщики спецодежды,СИЗ,спецобуви.

Мекликом предлагает широкий ассортимент спецодежды, спецобуви, средств индивидуальной защиты. Реализуемая спецодежда практична, имеет отличное качество и современный внешний вид. Индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту дает нам возможность в короткие сроки осуществлять исполнение заказа. Мы сами являемся производителями спецодежды. Организация располагает собственной складской базой и магазином спецодежды в городе Самаре на ул.Земеца 33, в Юнгородке. Клиентам мы осуществляем доставку товара своим автотранспортом.

Обладая своей производственной базой мы можем оперативно выполнить заказы по пошиву одежды, а так же разместить на ней логотип. К реализуемой спецодежде прилагаются сертификаты соответствия. Наши менеджеры помогут Вам сделать оптимальный выбор спецодежды соответствующей специфике работы. Нашей продукцией пользуются множество крупных и средних предприятий – фабрик, заводов, строительных и различных производственных организаций Самары и Самарской области.

Швейное производство позволяет выпускать такой вид продукции, как автомобильные полога и строительные завесы площадью до 100 кв.м.рукава и кожуха для вентиляции из брезента, палатки, кордуры и др.тканей. По краям полога по периметру делаются петли или устанавливаются люверсы (металлические дырки различного диаметра).

При этом доступные цены и качественная продукция является одним из основных наших преимуществ. Наши менеджеры с радостью ответят на все интересующие вопросы и помогут определиться с выбором. Мы всегда рады видеть Вас в нашей компании.


“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -

- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -

- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -

- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -

“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”

“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”


John DoeDesigner
John DoeDesigner
John DoeDesigner
John DoeDesigner
John DoeDesigner
John DoeDesigner
John DoeDesigner
John DoeDesigner
John DoeDesigner
John DoeDesigner
John DoeDesigner
John DoeDesigner


Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

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  • Etharums ser quidem rerum ?

    The shortcode have a show Accordion example. Accordion look like a spoiler style. you can use this shortcode article and custom module. So get easily amazing accordion style.The shortcode have a show Accordion example. Accordion look like a spoiler style. you can use this shortcode article and custom module.

One More Question?

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